For our film noir opening, Gemma was determined to set it in Hinchingbrooke House. As a result, our teacher printed out an official letter for us to give to them to gain permission to film there.
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Script Draft Two
Based on our feedback and the survey results, we decided our target audience should be adults - as we are usuing an all adult cast. To losen the childlike elements, the names were changed so the opening is not so directly related to the board game cluedo anymore. Also, to make casting easier, we reduced the number of people in the scene. The number went down from 7 to 4, as to not confuse people with too many characters. It was easier to only keep the characters who would be important, or who have an obvious convention like the feme fetal and the detective.
Series of images of the weapons that are used in a normal game of Cluedo.
Scene opening in an old dining room in a posh house decorated in a grand and lavish fashion. In the centre of the room there’s a dining table, around which are the characters; MRS PENELOPE HAYWORTH, COLONEL JACK HOLMES and MISS ELIZA LEIGH, the beautiful, femme fatale.
This is Dr. Black’s dinner party, a discreet, formal affair for some of Dr. Black’s closest friends.
DECTECTIVE STEEL names each character in turn as they appear on the screen, all of them holding drinks, talking and laughing generally enjoying themselves.
At least one of these three people have committed murder and I’m the one who’ll have to sort it out
PENELOPE notices DR BLACK’s absence and breaks off mid-conversation to remark upon this.
Where the devil has Dr. Black gotten to?
The guests look at each other quizzically before ELIZA rises gracefully from her chair, slinking elegantly towards the door. She opens the door slightly, holding it ajar, then turns around to face her fellow diners
You folks just enjoy your drinks, I’m sure he can’t have gone far.
ELIZA exits and the other guests turn back to their conversation.
She’s right of course; he has not gone far at all.
Seconds later a bloodcurdling scream is heard as ELIZA bursts through the door into the dining hall, shutting the door she leans against it.
It’s Dr. Black... He’s dead!
The dinner guests have all now abandoned their places at the table and are instead scattered randomly around the room. No one is speaking but they are giving each other shifty glances, they are clearly waiting for somebody. JACK is pacing nervously, cigarette in mouth, attempting to light a match.
Useless piece of junk!
JACK throws his pack of matches on the floor and looks round at the other dinner guests
Either o’ yous gotta light?
I believe I can be of use to you.
DETECTIVE STEEL has presumably entered the room via another door and has been lurking in the shadows of one corner of the room ever since, from which he now steps, holding a box of matches/ a lighter. DETECTIVE STEEL hands the box of matches to JACK who accepts them with a nod and a gruff noise of thanks.
I presume you all know why I’m here; to investigate the Murder of Dr Black-
Hold on a minute Detective, what’s to say that Dr. Black didn’t just pull a Dutch?
Tell me Mrs Hayworth, why would a man take his own life at a dinner party, not to mention one he was hosting? He would have far more consideration for both his guests and his suit to do a thing like that. Now, who would like to tell me exactly what happened tonight?
Series of images of the weapons that are used in a normal game of Cluedo.
Scene opening in an old dining room in a posh house decorated in a grand and lavish fashion. In the centre of the room there’s a dining table, around which are the characters; MRS PENELOPE HAYWORTH, COLONEL JACK HOLMES and MISS ELIZA LEIGH, the beautiful, femme fatale.
This is Dr. Black’s dinner party, a discreet, formal affair for some of Dr. Black’s closest friends.
DECTECTIVE STEEL names each character in turn as they appear on the screen, all of them holding drinks, talking and laughing generally enjoying themselves.
At least one of these three people have committed murder and I’m the one who’ll have to sort it out
PENELOPE notices DR BLACK’s absence and breaks off mid-conversation to remark upon this.
Where the devil has Dr. Black gotten to?
The guests look at each other quizzically before ELIZA rises gracefully from her chair, slinking elegantly towards the door. She opens the door slightly, holding it ajar, then turns around to face her fellow diners
You folks just enjoy your drinks, I’m sure he can’t have gone far.
ELIZA exits and the other guests turn back to their conversation.
She’s right of course; he has not gone far at all.
Seconds later a bloodcurdling scream is heard as ELIZA bursts through the door into the dining hall, shutting the door she leans against it.
It’s Dr. Black... He’s dead!
The dinner guests have all now abandoned their places at the table and are instead scattered randomly around the room. No one is speaking but they are giving each other shifty glances, they are clearly waiting for somebody. JACK is pacing nervously, cigarette in mouth, attempting to light a match.
Useless piece of junk!
JACK throws his pack of matches on the floor and looks round at the other dinner guests
Either o’ yous gotta light?
I believe I can be of use to you.
DETECTIVE STEEL has presumably entered the room via another door and has been lurking in the shadows of one corner of the room ever since, from which he now steps, holding a box of matches/ a lighter. DETECTIVE STEEL hands the box of matches to JACK who accepts them with a nod and a gruff noise of thanks.
I presume you all know why I’m here; to investigate the Murder of Dr Black-
Hold on a minute Detective, what’s to say that Dr. Black didn’t just pull a Dutch?
Tell me Mrs Hayworth, why would a man take his own life at a dinner party, not to mention one he was hosting? He would have far more consideration for both his guests and his suit to do a thing like that. Now, who would like to tell me exactly what happened tonight?
Costume - Male
Males that i've seen in my research, and on all the film noir clips i've seen, have been wearing a 3 piece suit. The suit is usually accompanied with a fedora, which we'll probably have to buy for the detective. Again, the male costumes aren't anywhere near as interesting as the females outfits, but it's simpler to find. Since every man will have a suit, it wont cost us anything for their costumes, unless we need to get them specific accessories or props such as cigars.
Costume - Female
Female clothing depended on the womens' status as to how extravigant it was. Since we knew ours would be based around upper class adults, it was obvious that their clothing would be more fanciful. The types of dresses i've seen will usually be complimented with some sort of accessory, go in at the waist then either go out a bit ot be sleek, with a cut up the side. I have an idea for a potential dress our feme fetal could wear, coupled with the right accessories, hair and make up, it could be a pretty good costume. I'll take a picture of the dress tomorrow and upload it.
1940 Hairstyles - Male
Male Hairstyles:

The mens' hairstyles are deffinately not as elaborate or interesting as the females. Males in the 1940's tended to just slick their hair back to keep it neat and out of the way. It seems, from what i've seen, that they pulled the sides back, then had a bit at the front pulled back which stands out a bti more, as you can see from teh pictures above.
The mens' hairstyles are deffinately not as elaborate or interesting as the females. Males in the 1940's tended to just slick their hair back to keep it neat and out of the way. It seems, from what i've seen, that they pulled the sides back, then had a bit at the front pulled back which stands out a bti more, as you can see from teh pictures above.
1940 Hairstyles - Female
Female Hairstyles:

Females of this era, and feme fetals tended to have lose curls and a side parting to make them look elegant and more appealing. The hair length seems to vary, as some women have shoulder length hair, and some a lot longer. Women with shorter hair tended to have their hair in tighter curls, and propped up fashionably.

Females of this era, and feme fetals tended to have lose curls and a side parting to make them look elegant and more appealing. The hair length seems to vary, as some women have shoulder length hair, and some a lot longer. Women with shorter hair tended to have their hair in tighter curls, and propped up fashionably.

1940 Hats
For the detective, we will need a hat that's in a 1940's style.

The fedora is a common 1940's male hat. Depending on what type you get, they come in different styles.
Unless someone has a fedora in their wardrobe already, we will probably have to buy one for our detective.
Here are a few sites that sell fedoras. Though the more expensive sites are deffinately out, it's still nice to compare the hat qualitys and find teh best quality one and for the cheapest price.
Surveys for Target Audience
To research our target audience, 40-50 surveys were distributed out to some of the forms in the school. With the results back, we found that most teens adn kids don't watch film noir films. they find black and white films boring, and don't care much for the plot. Further more, since none of them really liked film noir films, they wern't bothered either way if it was based off of cluedo or not. (Though some did say they liked the concept just because they enjoyed playing the game.)
Because of this, and copyright reasons, in the edited version of our script, the names have been changed to those that are likely to be in the 1940's era. The concept is still the same - an upper class dinner party gone wrong with the murder of the host - but almost all relatinos to the board game have been erased, apart from the use of the weapons in the opening titles. (shots of the revolver or pistol will still be seen, as well al the knife and candlestick.)
Here's an example of what the surveys looked like:
Because of this, and copyright reasons, in the edited version of our script, the names have been changed to those that are likely to be in the 1940's era. The concept is still the same - an upper class dinner party gone wrong with the murder of the host - but almost all relatinos to the board game have been erased, apart from the use of the weapons in the opening titles. (shots of the revolver or pistol will still be seen, as well al the knife and candlestick.)
Here's an example of what the surveys looked like:
Script Draft One
This is the first draft of our film noir script:
Series of images of the weapons that are used in a normal game of Cluedo.
Scene opening in an old dining room in a posh house decorated in a grand and lavish fashion. In the centre of the room there’s a dining table, around which are the characters; COLONEL MUSTARD, MISS SCARLETT, PROFESSOR PLUM, MRS PEACOCK, REVERAND GREEN and MRS WHITE.
This is Dr. Black’s dinner party, a discreet, formal affair for some of Dr. Black’s closest friends.
DECTECTIVE STEEL names each character in turn as they appear on the screen, all of them holding drinks, talking and laughing generally enjoying themselves.
At least one of these six people have committed murder and I’m the one who’ll have to sort it out
PROFESSOR PLUM notices DR BLACK’s absence and breaks off mid-conversation to remark upon this.
Where the devil has Dr. Black gotten to?
The guests look at each other quizzically before MISS SCARLETT rises gracefully from her chair, slinking elegantly towards the door. She opens the door slightly, holding it ajar, then turns around to face her fellow diners
You folks just enjoy your drinks, I’m sure he can’t have gone far.
MISS SCARLETT exits and the guests turn back to their conversations.
She’s right of course; he has not gone far at all.
Seconds later a bloodcurdling scream is heard as MISS SCARLETT bursts through the door into the dining hall, shutting the door she leans against it.
It’s Dr. Black... He’s dead!
The dinner guests have all now abandoned their places at the table and are instead scattered randomly around the room. No one is speaking but they are giving each other shifty glances, they are clearly waiting for somebody. COLONEL MUSTARD is pacing nervously, cigarette in mouth, attempting to light a match.
Useless piece of junk!
COLNEL MUSTARD throws his pack of matches on the floor and looks round at the other dinner guests
Any one o’ yous gotta light?
I believe I can be of use to you.
DETECTIVE STEEL has presumably entered the room via another door and has been lurking in the shadows of one corner of the room ever since, from which he now steps, holding a box of matches/ a lighter. DETECTIVE STEEL hands the box of matches to COLONEL MUSTARD who accepts them with a nod and a gruff noise of thanks.
I presume you all know why I’m here; to investigate the Murder of Dr Black-
Hold on a minute Detective, what’s to say that Dr. Black didn’t just pull a Dutch?
Tell me Mrs Peacock, why would a man take his own life at a dinner party, not to mention one he was hosting? He would have far more consideration for both his guests and his suit to do a thing like that. Now, who would like to tell me exactly what happened tonight?
Series of images of the weapons that are used in a normal game of Cluedo.
Scene opening in an old dining room in a posh house decorated in a grand and lavish fashion. In the centre of the room there’s a dining table, around which are the characters; COLONEL MUSTARD, MISS SCARLETT, PROFESSOR PLUM, MRS PEACOCK, REVERAND GREEN and MRS WHITE.
This is Dr. Black’s dinner party, a discreet, formal affair for some of Dr. Black’s closest friends.
DECTECTIVE STEEL names each character in turn as they appear on the screen, all of them holding drinks, talking and laughing generally enjoying themselves.
At least one of these six people have committed murder and I’m the one who’ll have to sort it out
PROFESSOR PLUM notices DR BLACK’s absence and breaks off mid-conversation to remark upon this.
Where the devil has Dr. Black gotten to?
The guests look at each other quizzically before MISS SCARLETT rises gracefully from her chair, slinking elegantly towards the door. She opens the door slightly, holding it ajar, then turns around to face her fellow diners
You folks just enjoy your drinks, I’m sure he can’t have gone far.
MISS SCARLETT exits and the guests turn back to their conversations.
She’s right of course; he has not gone far at all.
Seconds later a bloodcurdling scream is heard as MISS SCARLETT bursts through the door into the dining hall, shutting the door she leans against it.
It’s Dr. Black... He’s dead!
The dinner guests have all now abandoned their places at the table and are instead scattered randomly around the room. No one is speaking but they are giving each other shifty glances, they are clearly waiting for somebody. COLONEL MUSTARD is pacing nervously, cigarette in mouth, attempting to light a match.
Useless piece of junk!
COLNEL MUSTARD throws his pack of matches on the floor and looks round at the other dinner guests
Any one o’ yous gotta light?
I believe I can be of use to you.
DETECTIVE STEEL has presumably entered the room via another door and has been lurking in the shadows of one corner of the room ever since, from which he now steps, holding a box of matches/ a lighter. DETECTIVE STEEL hands the box of matches to COLONEL MUSTARD who accepts them with a nod and a gruff noise of thanks.
I presume you all know why I’m here; to investigate the Murder of Dr Black-
Hold on a minute Detective, what’s to say that Dr. Black didn’t just pull a Dutch?
Tell me Mrs Peacock, why would a man take his own life at a dinner party, not to mention one he was hosting? He would have far more consideration for both his guests and his suit to do a thing like that. Now, who would like to tell me exactly what happened tonight?
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Poster Research
The poster has a plain red background. It's simple, goes well with the text and images used and really highlights the main image.
The title is made very clear, and having a yellow background to it really makes it stand out against the other text used - which is all plain white and in capitals.
The two main characters we are shown are an obvious detective, who has a straight face, but seems slightly distracted by the feme fetal. And the feme fetal herself, who looks seductive with a knowing look on her face. Both are wearing conventional clothes, as the detective is dressed in a grey suit, and the feme fetal is dressed in black - possible symbolising her darker side. Her hair is also dark, and contrasts with her red lipstick. characters associated with dark hair and red lipstick are often dark mysterious characters, so it's safe to jump to teh conclusion that though the feme fetal may be interested in teh detective, she's not completely on his side.
The title is made very clear, and having a yellow background to it really makes it stand out against the other text used - which is all plain white and in capitals.
The two main characters we are shown are an obvious detective, who has a straight face, but seems slightly distracted by the feme fetal. And the feme fetal herself, who looks seductive with a knowing look on her face. Both are wearing conventional clothes, as the detective is dressed in a grey suit, and the feme fetal is dressed in black - possible symbolising her darker side. Her hair is also dark, and contrasts with her red lipstick. characters associated with dark hair and red lipstick are often dark mysterious characters, so it's safe to jump to teh conclusion that though the feme fetal may be interested in teh detective, she's not completely on his side.
Underneath them, near the title we can see two smaller characters. They are also dressed in traditional 1940's style clothing, and one is also pointing a gun. This could show that there will be a bit of action in the storyline.
The title is large and red - which draws your eye to it. The font is also quite feminine, which may fit in with the feme fetal having a big role in the film. Suprisingly, the largest character shown on the poster is the feme fetal. She's leaning against part of the title, looking directly at you adn seems very confident. Unlike other feme fetals, she doesn't seem seductive or mischevious at all at first glance.
The detective is shown near her and is smaller, showing he may not have as bigger role as she does. He's dressed in typical 1940's clothes and looks just how you'd expect a film noir detective to be.
Under them, the smallest character on the poster, is what seems to be a villain or other important character. They are also wearing the typical clothes, and their back is shrouded with shadows - possibly telling us he's the villain or on the villains side. He's holding a gun as well, like in The Killers poster, to possibly show that there will be some action in the film.
The background is half plain white, and the top half is a dingy bluey green mix. The white at teh bottom works well, as it goes with the title colour and makes it stand out. If the whole poster was the blue shade, i don't think teh title would of looked anywhere near as nice as it does. The dark colours at the top could show the mystery and mixed intentions that will happen in the film.
The detective is shown near her and is smaller, showing he may not have as bigger role as she does. He's dressed in typical 1940's clothes and looks just how you'd expect a film noir detective to be.
Under them, the smallest character on the poster, is what seems to be a villain or other important character. They are also wearing the typical clothes, and their back is shrouded with shadows - possibly telling us he's the villain or on the villains side. He's holding a gun as well, like in The Killers poster, to possibly show that there will be some action in the film.
The background is half plain white, and the top half is a dingy bluey green mix. The white at teh bottom works well, as it goes with the title colour and makes it stand out. If the whole poster was the blue shade, i don't think teh title would of looked anywhere near as nice as it does. The dark colours at the top could show the mystery and mixed intentions that will happen in the film.
The font is in a bold, plain font and red. To make it stand out more from the background, theres a white highlight around it. The background is again a dark dingy blue colour and gets darker as it elavates to the top, near the feme fetal.
The feme fetal seen in the poster has a mixed expression on, but to me looks very knowledgable, probably about what the detective wants to find out. She stands out, and her face has been made to be a lot bigger than the detective. Sicne it's only her face shown, this could mean her body or sexual appearance doesn't matter to the detective, all he cares about is the information to solve the case.
The detective, unlike other posters, looks a bit naieve and possible unsure, but still keeps an expresionless face on. He's wearing the conventional clothing, and is carrying a gun, again probably symbolising the action. from how their set out on teh poster, i would say that he works with the feme fetal, but is not close to her in anyway, as he still has his back to her.
From these posters, and others i've seen, i'd say that there are a few simple conventions each follows.
The title should stand out a lto more than any other text, and is usually at the bottom of the poster.
The feme fetal will be shown on the poster, even if her personality differs from each film, she will also still look attractive.
the detective will be on the poster somewhere, possibly interactive with the feme fetal.
Somewhere on the poster, if there's action in the film, there will probably be a gun on the poster.
The background colours should compliment the title/ theme of the film.
From these posters, and others i've seen, i'd say that there are a few simple conventions each follows.
The title should stand out a lto more than any other text, and is usually at the bottom of the poster.
The feme fetal will be shown on the poster, even if her personality differs from each film, she will also still look attractive.
the detective will be on the poster somewhere, possibly interactive with the feme fetal.
Somewhere on the poster, if there's action in the film, there will probably be a gun on the poster.
The background colours should compliment the title/ theme of the film.
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