Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Research of openings and titles

Here is a list of some openings I have watched over the past two days, and my thoughts and notes on the conventions, titles and set up used for each.

1: The Third Man (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4JpDUMXBqo)
This opens with a close up of some vibrating zither strings. White titles use a cross fade, with most of the font closely resembling a font called 'BatangChe' that's on my computer. The music used is quite cheery, and reminds me of spongebob a bit.
In my opinion the title sequence used is rather boring and uses very plain font. The image doesn't change at all, and doesn't establish anything about the movie that you're about to watch. The font is one that also reminds me of a default setting, plain and simple.
The voice over has an American accent, a typical convention for film noir films, and the narrative tells you a bit about the setting of Vienna. The scene opens with a simple title int eh centre saying "Vienna" layered over a shot of the city. This if followed by closeups of different landmarks and sights, soon focusing on the black market.
All in all, i think this opening is quite dull and rather boring - the titles and editing don't catch my attention, and the narrative hasn't established any sort of mysterious plot line as of yet.

2: Touch Of Evil (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yg8MqjoFvy4)
In the first few minutes, no titles are used. They let you see the first scene to establish the types on things that will happen. The very shirt shot is a close up of a man setting a homemade bomb and planting it in the back of someones car. I think this is great in terms of narrative, since it lets you straight into some action and keeps you on the edge of your seat, waiting and wondering when the time bomb will go off.
Also, they use a greatly lit shot of the mans silhouette running against the wall. It adds to the mystery and makes him look quick and stealthy, almost like an assassin.
The camera is then tracker ahead of the bombed car, following it's route and letting you see the city a bit. Whilst doing this, you see many hints to the time era not only in the music playing in the car, which is quite jazzy, but also in the costumes and actions. Men are walking around in hats and suits, finalised with long trench coats. There is also a man with a heard of goats in the middle of the road - which you wouldn't see in modern times. Also, there are no traffic lights, there are officers directing traffic, like they did 50 odd years ago. Past the crowd near the end, we finally hear some characters talking, and have an obvious American accent - letting us know the time era and the approximate location that the movie is set in.
Compared to the first opening, i think this one is much more interesting, even though you don't see any titles it works, since it gives you no hints as to what may happen - it just drops you straight into probably the first act of evil that is taken place in the movie.

3: Sunset Boulevard (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r9TIDthcIHU)
The camera tilts down and reveals the title in a really creative way. It's stenciled onto a sidewalk, just like you would expect in the streets of America. The camera then moves and travels down the street with the white text clear against it. The text is tilted, so it looks like it could be written on the road. The font used is similar to the 'Stencil std' font. This gives it a painted on effect like the street sign, but also reminds me of gangsters and mobs.
The music accompanying it is very mysterious, and gradually builds up to when it is revealed that a murder has taken place. It sounds quite orchestral with the use of drums, trumpets and string instruments such as violins.
We are shown a variety of police, homicide squadron and media vehicles travelling down the road to the crime scene, and a voice over of, most likely, a detective explaining the situation. He's calm and level headed, and quite precise,  reminding me of one of the lone hero character stereotypes. He talks to the audience, really involving you in the crime and mystery.
Whilst the scene is being set with his narrative, we see clips fading into one another, showing us some tall palm trees that you would expect to see in ares such as L.A or Hollywood.
I like the editing and shots used in this opening, it's interesting and lets you know exactly what the movie your about to watch is going to be about.

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